Category: Artist Profile

We feature female organists in liturgical music and higher education.

 Giuliana Maccaroni   Giuliana Maccaroni. Graduated from the G. Rossini Conservatorium of Pesaro, where she studied Organ and organ composition with Maestro Marco Arlotti, with top marks and honours. After…

 Gwendolyn Toth Recognized as one of America’s leading performers on early keyboard instruments, Gwendolyn Toth performs with equal ease on the harpsichord, lautenwerk, organ, fortepiano, and clavichord. Her interpretations have been acclaimed for their…

Dr. Shelly Moorman-Stahlman Dr. Shelly Moorman-Stahlman is a Professor of Music at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania, where she teaches organ, piano, class piano, and church music courses. Her…

Louise Basbas Louise Basbas is director of music and the organist at Corpus Christi Church where she conducts the Choir of Corpus Christi Church, an ensemble of professional singers which…

林淑娜(Lin, Shuna)Shuna Lin was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She graduated from Cologne University of Music in Germany (Der Künstlichen Abschlussprüfung im Hauptfach in Köln). She received her diploma of Organ…

        Originally from New Jersey, Sarah Jane E. Starcher currently lives in New York City and is Sunday organist at the Church of the Holy Innocents in…

Kimberly Marshall maintains an active career as a concert organist, performing regularly in Europe, the US and Asia. She has held teaching positions at the Royal Academy of Music, London, and…

                           CHRISTINE GEVERT, organist, harpsichordist, and conductor has lived and worked in South and  North America and in Europe.…

INES MAIDRE Concert organist – professor at the Grieg Academy, Bergen, Norway   Following her first recitals in Paris and London Ines Maidre was acclaimed by “The Musical Times” (London) as one…

   Magdeburg Cathedral CD Dr. Faythe Freese, Professor of Organ at the University of Alabama School of Music, is in demand as a recitalist throughout the United States, Germany, Denmark, South…