Category: Articles

By Gail Archer In fall, 2007, I was appointed College Organist at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Vassar, a former a member of the Seven Sisters, is now a co-educational…

I’ve had the pleasure now of performing and/or recording on at least four of the oldest organs of the world: Sion, Switzerland (1435); Rysum, Germany (1457); Oosthuizen, Netherlands (late 1400s);…

Linda Andrews, Organ Instructor at Western Illinois University, received her BA degree in Music Education from WIU where she studied organ with Dr. Anita Werling, and horn with Roger Collins.…

by Claire Bushong Juget-Sinclair, Op. 46 Sinai Lutheran Church Fremont, Nebraska Yesterday the altar flowers at Sinai were provided by a member of the congregation as a way of expressing…