Karen Eddinger In the mid-1980s, Trinity Lutheran Church and Christ Episcopal Church, both located in the heart of downtown Reading, Pennsylvania, formed a covenantal partnership. Out of their mutual interest…
Category: Articles
Nancy S. Ypma, D.Mus. When Gail asked me to write an article for Musforum, I wrote back saying that I hadn’t given many concerts in the last few years, nor…
Alexandra Fol, DMus, CTh As someone who originates from a country with very few organs, where the predominant religious tradition preclude the use of instruments in places of worship, I…
LVIV ORGAN ART: HISTORY, CATHEDRALS, MUSIC, PERSONALITIES. The role of Christian religion in creating foundations for the development of culture and education in Ukraine. The ideological basis for the…
2018 EROI Festival, October 24-26 Some Reflections Judy Congdon, DMA, DWS In late September this year a few members of Musforum engaged in an email discussion in which some wrote…
Roseann Penner Kaufman, DMA, Minister of Music and Worship, Rainbow Mennonite Church, Kansas City, KS In the summer of 2018, the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Guild of…
By Gail Archer In fall, 2007, I was appointed College Organist at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Vassar, a former a member of the Seven Sisters, is now a co-educational…
by Nancy Cooper In the past few years, I have come face-to-face with retirement, and not by my own choice. My place of employment for the last 25 years, The…
By Olivia J. Kiers I grew up in the rural Shenandoah Valley outside Staunton, VA, on a winding, country road teaming with pipe organ-builders. Taylor and Boody Organbuilders is a…