Elisa Bickers December is here, and I can hardly believe it. Wasn’t it only yesterday that September came and slapped us all in the face with its sudden onslaught…
Category: Articles
Marilyn Schempp I am currently serving as the dean of our local AGO chapter and so I thought I might share some insights on membership from my perspective both…
Rhonda Sider Edgington This October, I planned and performed in a series of concerts featuring music of Japan, with organ, marimba, voice, and Taiko drums. It was a very…
Lorraine S. Brugh I’ve often lamented that I never get to see and hear my professional colleagues because we are all working on Sunday mornings! In fact, some of…
Clair Rozier and Elaine Sonnenberg serve as full-time musicians at the same Episcopal Church. Clair has been Director of Music and Organist at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Wayne, PA…
Karen Eddinger In the mid-1980s, Trinity Lutheran Church and Christ Episcopal Church, both located in the heart of downtown Reading, Pennsylvania, formed a covenantal partnership. Out of their mutual interest…
Nancy S. Ypma, D.Mus. When Gail asked me to write an article for Musforum, I wrote back saying that I hadn’t given many concerts in the last few years, nor…
Alexandra Fol, DMus, CTh As someone who originates from a country with very few organs, where the predominant religious tradition preclude the use of instruments in places of worship, I…
LVIV ORGAN ART: HISTORY, CATHEDRALS, MUSIC, PERSONALITIES. The role of Christian religion in creating foundations for the development of culture and education in Ukraine. The ideological basis for the…