Author: Karl-Mary Akre

Christa Rakich releases new CD recorded on the Richards Fowkes OPUS 16 organ at Goodson Chapel, Duke University Divinity School.

Mary Eileen Johnston (aka “MEJ: the other Music Educators’ Journal”) is a lifelong resident of the Philadelphia suburbs. “Grown” into her profession as a Church music leader, her early years…

Dr. Katie Moss, an accomplished and versatile recitalist, has performed as a solo organist across the United States. Recent performances include the Musforum Conference of Women in Church Music (St.…

Joanne Rodland   The phone rings and I think, again, “Oh no! I don’t have time to talk to her even if she IS my dearest friend of some 56…

Alla Borzova   I am very grateful to Gail Archer for the opportunity to introduce myself to my colleagues in MusForum. In 2011 Gail Archer advertised the intention to commission…

Elisa Bickers   December is here, and I can hardly believe it. Wasn’t it only yesterday that September came and slapped us all in the face with its sudden onslaught…

Marilyn Schempp   I am currently serving as the dean of our local AGO chapter and so I thought I might share some insights on membership from my perspective both…