2023: A Century of Women and the Carillon

By Tiffany Ng

Throughout 2023 at your respective carillon and chime towers, we invite you to celebrate the centennial of women’s full entry into the carillon profession, a process that began in the 1920s and that we have chosen 2023 to mark. We are supporting the centennial with a new open-access website, “A Century of Women and the Carillon” (www.CarillonWomen.org). This digital humanities project presents fifty of the first women to advance carillon cultures from the fifteenth century to 1950 in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, the Middle East, and Africa. Built on the ArcGIS StoryMaps platform, CarillonWomen.org features entries by dozens of authors, enriched with interactive maps, photographs, video and audio, and extensive bibliographies about women who were active as performers, composers, authors, instrument makers, and philanthropists. The next stage of the website will feature an interactive “Firsts” timeline of fifty women active after 1950 who were the first of their kind to break a carillon-related glass ceiling in their region. The site includes worldwide centennial event listings and a toolkit for organizers.

Research team: Tiffany Ng, Editor-in-Chief (University of Michigan); Scott Orr, Editor (University College London); Audrey Dye, Editor (Académie de Wavre); Michelle Lam, “Firsts” Editor (University of Michigan); University of Michigan student researchers Sarah Penrose, Cedric McCoy, and Emmet Lewis

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